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Acting responsibly to create and sustain a
Cleaner environment through
Green technology


Our ESG Reports can be found here.

Modernizing our Fleet

ACG is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the aviation industry. We are dedicated to working towards a cleaner and more sustainable future by investing in fuel-efficient, new technology aircraft that produce lower emissions, use less fuel and create less environmental noise than previous generation aircraft.  Our investment in new technology aircraft will continue to drive CO2 emission reductions and cost savings for our airline customers.  

ACG is focused on operational sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

ACG's Headquarters

Newport Beach, California

  • ACG’s headquarters’ office is in a LEED GOLD certified building
  • Energy Star Partner – saving energy in business through energy efficient products and practices
  • Hybrid Electric Collection – providing access to fast electric charging for hybrid electric vehicles
  • Recycling – engaging in proper waste of recyclable disposals to landfill leading to less overall environmental harm
  • Go-Green – encouraging employees and partners to reduce usage of physical paper

Our Parent

Our parent company, Tokyo Century Corporation, promotes Sustainability Management to realize an environmentally-sound, sustainable economy and society through its business activities. 

Tokyo Century Corporation was assigned an AA rating for MSCI ESG Ratings in 2023. More information on TC’s sustainability management can be found on

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