Board of Representatives
ACG’s Board of Representatives is comprised of five members, with a female Chairperson and members from Japan and the United States. The Board includes three Representatives from our parent company, Tokyo Century Corporation, one independent Representative and the Chief Executive Officer of ACG. The Board is responsible for setting strategy and providing direct oversight of material issues facing the company, including significant transactions, funding matters and risk management, while ensuring that the day-to-day management of ACG is competent, ethical and inclusive.
ACG’s Board has established two Board Committees, an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee. The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibility for oversight of the quality and integrity of the Company’s financial statements, the independence, qualifications and performance of the Company’s independent auditors, internal audit activities, internal control systems and compliance with legal and financial regulatory requirements. The Compensation Committee oversees the fair, equitable and competitive compensation practices for ACG.
Management Committees
ACG has several management committees, all of which contribute to the overall success of ACG and the protection of our stakeholders.
ACG’s Risk Department analyzes the risk of potential transactions and provides a thorough recommendation of their analyses to Senior Management and the Board. The Risk Department also assesses new and emerging risk factors in the Company’s business and provides guidance on measures to be taken to mitigate current and potential future risks, with the Chief Risk Officer reporting on risk matters to the Board each quarter and actively participating in weekly internal meetings.
ACG’s Senior Leadership Team, helps guide and direct the company in day-to-day business decisions through its strong, diverse and collaborative leadership. The Senior Leadership Team ensures that each ACG employee demonstrates the Company’s core values and is committed to its overall success.